The previous sample showed the most simplified example of the Script feature. It can be also utilized in more complicated scenarios. For example, monitoring the proportion of tokens in a liquidity pool.
Here we take Curve 3pool as an example to monitor the proportion of USDT:
Check the script here:
The script code is as following:
Here we use [ Cache ] to store last result, and define a delta variant to monitor the change of the ratio.
Copy export const name = '3pool USDT' ;
export const description = 'curve 3pool monitor' ;
export const tag = 'curve 3pool' ;
const { Contract , utils , BigNumber } = ethers;
const ERC20 = [ 'function balanceOf(address) view returns (uint)' ];
'0xbEbc44782C7dB0a1A60Cb6fe97d0b483032FF1C7' ;
const formatNumber = (num : number , decimals : number = 4 ) => Number ( num .toFixed (decimals));
const formatBN = (wei : BigNumber , unit : number = 18 ) => Number ( utils .formatUnits (wei , unit));
export const run = async () => {
const provider : Web3Provider = evm .getProvider ( 'ethereum' );
const USDT = new Contract ( '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7' , ERC20 , provider);
const USDC = new Contract ( '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48' , ERC20 , provider);
const DAI = new Contract ( '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F' , ERC20 , provider);
const USDTAmount = formatBN ( await USDT .balanceOf ( CURVE_LIQUIDITY_FARMING_POOL ) , 6 );
const USDCAmount = formatBN ( await USDC .balanceOf ( CURVE_LIQUIDITY_FARMING_POOL ) , 6 )
const DAIAmount = formatBN ( await DAI .balanceOf ( CURVE_LIQUIDITY_FARMING_POOL ) , 18 )
const totalAmount = USDTAmount + USDCAmount + DAIAmount;
const usdtRatio = formatNumber (USDTAmount / totalAmount * 100 , 2 );
const key = '3pool-usdt' ;
let lastUSDTRatio = await cache[key] || 0 ;
const ratioDeltaAbs = Math .abs (usdtRatio - lastUSDTRatio);
if (ratioDeltaAbs >= 2 ){
cache[key] = usdtRatio;
return {
USDTAmount ,
USDCAmount ,
DAIAmount ,
usdtRatio ,
Once the Script is created, it can be saved and run, the result is as below:
Copy {
"USDTAmount" : 247110557.436453 ,
"USDCAmount" : 357517694.26593 ,
"DAIAmount" : 349215555.09886163 ,
"usdtRatio" : 25.91 ,
"ratioDeltaAbs" : 7.7499999999999964
Now you can schedule a task for the script:
Then set the alert to notify my Twitter bot:
So the alert will notify me when the change is above 2%, and some variants from the result are filled in the notify message. The condition will be checked every 1 minute.
⚠️ Warning: $USDT ratio of @CurveFinance 3pool is now {usdtRatio}%, $USDC balance is {USDCAmount}, $DAI balance is {DAIAmount}, for more info, see: Powered by @compassDAO
Now you get your perfect Twitter bot:
A similar case you can use to monitor the Curve stETH pool (just simply change the token addresses in script):
Last updated 8 months ago